In for an easy Cloud Ride?
We'll visit you with our Cloud Buzz! The road to the Cloud is not always easy, we are well aware of that. Nevertheless, we are convinced that we can make your Cloud ride a lot easier.
By listening carefully to the wishes and requirements of your organization, you will always receive a customized Cloud strategy. In addition, our Cloud experts provide daily support and, thanks to their personal approach, they become an extension of your organization.
In the coming period, we will drive through the Netherlands with our Cloud buzz and organize customized expert sessions on location. Fundaments CTO, Larik-Jan Verschuren, would be happy to visit your organization with our Cloud Buzz to help you think about your organization's Cloud strategy completely free of charge.
Request the Cloud Buzz directly or read below how Fundaments further provides an easy Cloud ride and what such an expert session with Larik-Jan looks like. This is how we make your Cloud ride an easy ride!
Expert session with Larik-Jan Verschuren
In the coming period, we will be driving across the Netherlands in our Cloud Buzz to provide expert sessions on location completely free of charge. Fundaments CTO, Larik-Jan Verschuren, thinks along with your organization in a one-hour session. What does your ideal Cloud look like? One that fits seamlessly with your organization. Where does your organization currently stand in terms of data security? And how, for example, can the sovereign Cloud contribute to this security?
The Cloud buzz in your car park too? Then book our BUZZ right away or call one of our experts.

The Sovereign Cloud of Fundaments
All your data on Dutch soil and 100% compliant with Dutch laws and regulations
Understandable predictable costs and pay-as-you-go
Fast upscaling and downscaling, easy-to-use platform and clear exit strategy
Your IT infrastructure adapted with standard components
You get your own customer team with a personal approach and high-quality support

With the sovereign Cloud from Fundaments, you have a secure, solid and scalable basis for your business-critical data processes and applications. A Fundaments Cloud starts with the foundation: the infrastructure. Our virtual infrastructure is not only scalable and continuously up to date, but also accessible anytime, anywhere. For example, you can scale up and down as needed via a secure online platform (VMware Cloud Director). This gives you control over the use and scalability of your Fundaments Cloud foundation. In addition, Fundaments not only works with payment models that purchase a pre-agreed amount of Cloud components, but also with a pay-to-use (paid per hour) model. This allows you to combine cost predictability with the ease of scaling up and down and you have no surprises afterwards.
Thanks to Fundaments' sovereign Cloud, large investments in hardware are no longer necessary and you can move flexibly in the market with technology that is always up to date. In addition, this always guarantees you the highest quality and safety requirements.
Continuity services such as Back-Up as a Service and Disaster Recovery as a Service are integrated into Fundaments' sovereign Cloud. By adding further security add-ons, such as Firewall as a Service, you can optimally secure your data and applications.
Known for, among others