Happy holidays and a joyful 2024
As we approach the final days of the year, we reflect, as we should, on the extraordinary journey we have taken together. It was a year full of innovation, growth and above all, a year in which the sovereign Cloud became a prominent part of our terminology. We are also proud that this year we were able to guide existing and new partners on an ‘easy Cloud ride’, making the Cloud journey a little smoother.

This year, we also introduced the Fundaments Cloud BUZZ. With this, we held fascinating BUZZ-talks during VMware Explore in Barcelona, where we shared various insights and had inspiring conversations.
This year, not only our partners and associates rode in the Cloud BUZZ, but also our colleagues got an easy Cloud ride. Together with Santa, we looked back at the highlights of 2023 and forward to the year ahead. And of course, the film ends with a warm Christmas wish.
It was a year of challenges, triumphs and valuable connections, and we are grateful to have shared it with you. We wish you carefree holidays and a great 2024!
Kind regards, Team Fundaments