Fundaments is ISAE 3402 gecertificeerd

We are proud to announce that as of today we are ISAE 3402 certified.

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Iris Nicolaas
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Fundaments is ISAE 3402 gecertificeerd

Last November, AuditConnect spent three days at Fundaments to audit Fundaments' compliance with the ISAE 3402 standard. We are extremely excited to share the news that we have secured the ISAE 3402 type II report.

Our Security Officer Colin Keizers guided AuditConnect's auditors during this process: ‘My colleagues and I worked extremely hard to set up the processes in such a way that we comply with the ISAE 3402 standard, obviously taking into account Fundaments and the way Fundaments wants to serve its customers. We are therefore proud of this great result.’

What does ISAE 3402 entail?

Oftentimes, organisations outsource processes and resources to parties like Fundaments. These organisations, despite outsourcing, remain responsible for the internal control of a variety of processes. This leads to the question of how the processes are outsourced and how they can be controlled. By meeting the ISAE 3402 standard, Fundaments provides assurance on the control of processes such as risk management, change management, incident management, information security and anti-fraud.

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