What is CPaaS by Fundaments?
Wietze: ‘We developed CPaaS because in recent years an emerging trend was visible around application development: companies want to convert their monolithic application (one large complex application where processes are dependent on each other) to one that is more focused on scalability and efficiency. These ‘new applications’ are broken down into microservices (small services that are each maintained separately and together form a unit). By dividing an application into microservices, it can be developed per service, speeding up the development of the entire application. In addition, this structure of microservices ensures that individual parts of an application are scalable and therefore highly resource-efficient. So, there is a shift in how applications are developed and therefore it is important that the platform, or infrastructure, also evolves along with it. To properly manage a complete container infrastructure with different application functions, a management platform is needed. Kubernetes constitutes one of the most important solutions in today's market. To be completely unburdened in hosting and maintaining this Kubernetes platform, Fundaments offers the Container Platform as a Service (CPaaS) service.’