Haven: the benchmark for platform-independent Cloud hosting for municipalities

In an era where digitalisation is increasingly important for today's municipal services, the need for a robust, flexible and secure IT infrastructure is growing. Municipalities are faced with the challenge of improving their digital services so that citizens and businesses can easily access essential information and services. This is where Haven comes in. Haven is a standard that fits within a municipality's diversity of IT systems. It ensures that municipalities' digitalisation efforts can accelerate enormously. But what exactly does Haven do and why is it so important for municipalities?

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Iris Nicolaas
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Written by
Iris Nicolaas
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What is Haven? 

Every municipality uses applications. To run these applications, municipalities use their own IT infrastructure. However, this infrastructure differs greatly from one municipality to another. Where one municipality still has a lot running locally, another is fully committed to Cloud solutions. This difference means that applications often need to be adapted to each municipality's specific infrastructure, which complicates collaboration and the fast implementation of new applications.

Haven offers a solution to this. That is because Haven is a standard for platform-independent Cloud hosting, which allows municipalities to run applications without adapting their existing IT infrastructures. This makes it easier for municipalities to jointly develop applications and deploy them quickly and unified across multiple municipalities.

How does Haven work? 

Haven works by providing a platform-independent layer for hosting applications, allowing these applications to run smoothly without modifications to the local infrastructure.  

The applications within Haven are packaged in containers. A container is like a ‘package’ consisting of the application and all the components required for this application to run. Thanks to the unified design of these containers, they work the same wherever they are launched, on any platform and operating system. Haven is based on Kubernetes, an open-source platform for managing containerised applications. Kubernetes handles the automatic deployment, scalability and management of these containers, providing Haven with a flexible and scalable infrastructure for applications.

The benefits of Haven for municipalities

The outcome when municipalities use Haven? Lower costs, less dependence on suppliers and more flexibility in IT management. This allows municipalities to collaborate more effectively and scale up their digital services faster and easier, regardless of the infrastructure they use. Haven therefore has the following advantages for municipalities:

  • Platform independence: Haven enables applications to be hosted regardless of a municipality's existing IT infrastructure. Whether a municipality works locally, in the Cloud or hybrid, applications can run anywhere without the need to change the infrastructure.
  • Application reusability: through Haven, applications developed for one municipality can easily be reused by other municipalities. This promotes collaboration and enables faster creation and deployment of new digital solutions.
  • Cost savings: municipalities save costs by not having to modify their infrastructure for each application. In addition, joint development and reuse of applications leads to lower development and management costs. 
  • Security and scalability: Haven provides a secure and scalable environment, supported by proven technologies such as Kubernetes. This means applications can be deployed reliably and securely, while scaling flexibly when demand increases.
  • Less dependence on suppliers: because Haven is open-source, municipalities have more control over their IT solutions and are less dependent on specific suppliers, providing more flexibility and autonomy.

‍Would you like to know more about what Haven can do for your municipality? Contact us by calling 088 4227 227 or emailing info@fundaments.nl.  

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