Infrastructure Engineer at Fundaments
After wandering through Previder and Lesscher, Miranda finally ended up at Fundaments, where she has enjoyed working for over 5.5 years now. Miranda: “Especially at the beginning, I noticed that customers weren't used to getting a female engineer on the line. Once, I was even asked “if a man” could come to the phone. As time goes by, that has all become somewhat different. Fortunately, I've never heard these kinds of comments within the team and I'm not seen as 'the only woman', but simply as a team member like everyone else. Sometimes oblique jokes are made and, if necessary, if it really goes too far for me, I'll say something about it. I also often hear that a woman actually provides a good dynamic in the team. I have now enjoyed working at Fundaments for over 5.5 years and hope to be able to grow even further here. The work I do just suits me incredibly well and remains challenging enough. I would therefore especially like to say to young girls who want to follow an IT course: it is an incredibly beautiful profession. Don't let it stop you because it has the image of a “man's world,” just be yourself and don't adapt because someone else expects you to!”