VMware Sovereign Cloud
‘VMware also saw this need for a sovereign Cloud and have set a global standard through the VMware Sovereign Cloud status. When a company holds this status, you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with a party that stores data according to (in our case) Dutch privacy laws and regulations. Fundaments joined this early on and was therefore the first Cloud provider in the Netherlands to be awarded VMware Sovereign Cloud status.
Fundaments‘ Cloud is fully secured in a Dutch Cloud, with all processes and technology under Fundaments’ control: everything is in control from A to Z. From people to process and technology. This starts with how we set up a data centre, through to the way we safeguard the continuity of organisations with the choices for hardware, software and its set-up. We also ensure that we take day-to-day management to the highest level with our skilled colleagues. So how the Cloud is consumed must be clear throughout the chain and we are extremely critical of this. Continuity is the key word here: business-critical applications must always be able to run, without interruption. Therefore, our data centres are geographically separated and we only use Dutch data centres. In addition, we as an organisation and our data centres comply with the appropriate certifications regarding information security and continuity.’
Want to know more about our sovereign Cloud? Click here.