VMware Cloud Verified & Sovereign Cloud

Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments, talks about the significance of the VMware Cloud Verified and Sovereign Cloud status for Fundaments Cloud users.

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Iris Nicolaas
Larik-Jan Verschuren
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Written by
Iris Nicolaas
Larik-Jan Verschuren
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Fundaments achieved the Cloud Verified status a few years ago: VMware's coveted quality mark. With the motto ‘Go Beyond, Be The Best’, however, Fundaments has strengthened its quality even more. In June this year, we were rewarded for this and have been told that we are the first in the Netherlands to achieve the VMware Sovereign Cloud status. But what exactly do these two statuses mean for Fundaments as well as the users of the Fundaments Cloud? Let me take you through the value of these recognitions

As one of the first parties in the Netherlands, Fundaments was awarded ‘Cloud Verified’ by VMware a few years ago. To me, this status is recognition of competence. Everyone knows it: you pass an exam, get a piece of paper and with that you get the recognition that you have a certain skill. A great start, of course, but turning the skill into competence is what makes the real value; by using, developing and honing it as much as possible.

And that is exactly what we did at Fundaments. With a clear focus based on our vision of the Cloud, we got to work. All parts of our Cloud services were tested, studied and transformed into operational processes for years into a well-oiled (Cloud) machine. We have done this with a driven team of engineers, all started by getting certified on a skill. However, from there they were challenged to work on that skill: by improving processes in installing the Cloud software, updating configurations automatically and improving monitoring and therefore being predictable in use of Cloud resources. In that journey in which a lot was learned - besides being able to perform the skill - the goal was achieved: full control of the Fundaments Cloud. And with the Cloud Verified competence, I dare say we have complete control of our Cloud from A to Z.

The Sovereign Cloud recognition added in June has ensured that this grip is strengthened and also given additional value. The Cloud (operations) of Fundaments is fully secured in a Dutch Cloud, where all processes and technology are fully under the control of Fundaments. This allows us to ensure that there are no dependencies throughout the chain that could compromise quality. Whether it's access to the physical infrastructure or adjusting processes to do configurations, everything is fully controlled by Fundaments. This degree of sovereignty provides predictability, allows for customization opportunities and therefore delivers the best solution for our users. That's what it's all about as far as I'm concerned: being able to provide the best solution for all our customers and ensuring that we can fulfill Cloud competency for them.

Wondering how we do it? I'd love to tell you all about it! Send me an email, LinkedIn message or drop by for a cup of coffee.

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