VMware Explore 2024 - day 2

It's time again for the VMware Explore in Barcelona, this year from November 4-7 and for the first time under the name of  Broadcom. Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments, tells how the second day has been.

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Larik-Jan Verschuren
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Written by
Larik-Jan Verschuren
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Larik-Jan: ‘Tuesday traditionally starts with the keynote. Today was no different and the room was absolutely packed with people interested in listening to the developments from Broadcom. For those who went to VMware Explore in Las Vegas, there was a lot of repetition. During his presentation, Hock Tan emphasised the future vision: ‘The future for Enterprise is Private Cloud’ and the promise to make this easy for Broadcom partners and customers using VMware Cloud Foundation as a basis.

An example of an application based on Kubernetes technology was used to demonstrate how this migration can be easily deployed on the Private Cloud with VCF. Herein, the infrastructure was provided with several components: a control plane for Kubernetes, networking with NSX and a load balancer as well as the various data services for databases, among others.

Distributing the workloads to the various Cloud locations was clarified with a VeloCloud solution: VeloRAIN. A network distribution where data transport is optimised for e.g. AI workloads, in which data exchange has a different characteristic. In terms of new announcements, the Broadcom transformation seems to have played a role: other than simplifying further by integrating more services within VCF with version 9, ‘Advanced Sevices’ are being added to improve visibility, security and automation. Within the Private AI domain, the focus is on improving resosource utilisation, improving performance.

From the keynote, we will continue to enrich ourselves with hands on labs and expert sessions with insights we can deploy for the Fundaments Private Cloud.

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