Larik-Jan, CTO at Fundaments, spoke with Cohesity and Zerto and asked them a few questions about their recent developments and plans for 2020.
Cohesity is the platform we use to do many of our backups. Larik-Jan asked Maikel Kelder (Senior Systems Engineer) at Cohesity what interesting developments are on the way. Maikel: “Before the end of this year, we are going to release OneDrive and SharePoint in Office 365. In the first quarter of 2020, Teams will also be added. That will give you the complete set of the Azure stack. This is very important for Managed Service Providers!”
Regarding further developments, Maikel commented as follows: “We are fully committed to our App Store. The cool thing is that we can show trends on functionality, for example on deviations from behavior. You then get an alert. For example, someone who has a standard change rate of 3% suddenly goes to 8% or 10%. This could then be due to a virus infection, for instance. That's how we added multiple integrations.” Larik-Jan adds, “this is all inclusive on the platform, which means we no longer need separate licenses. This all is coming to the Fundaments platform.”
Larik-Jan also spoke with Robbert Ravenhorst and Bas Welman of Zerto. Zerto is an important partner for Fundaments when it comes to continuity. We deploy it in two ways: in case of data center failure and in migration issues. This involves migration to, for example, the Fundaments Cloud and nowadays increasingly to the public Cloud.
Robbert also sees this trend: “ At Zerto, we see business continuity descending more and more from Enterprise to mid-market organizations and SMEs. On the other hand, we see the Cloud Mobility piece coming back, with Zerto seamlessly migrating towards Public Cloud, mainly Azure. That's where we see a lot of growth, just like AWS.”
Bas adds: “Migrations always remain a tricky issue technically. To the public Cloud it works slightly differently. AWS, Azure and HyperV all have different platforms. There are still driver issues in that. For all these challenges, we try to provide solutions as best we can.” Larik-Jan: “You guys are the best when you look at RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective). What developments do you guys see in this?”
“What we are noticing is that the RPO discussion is becoming more understood, because RPO 0 doesn't actually exist,” Robbert explains. “It's not about RPOs anymore. It's far more about being able to work with your applications again and when employees are able to access the data again. Being able to access this again is great, of course, but being able to actually work with it again is much more important. You simply cannot be down for a day. Your people won't be at work for a day and you won't be able to serve your customers for a day.
Continuity is important and this can be tested with Zerto. We can show and have shown that you can be live again in minutes or hours. That's just incredibly critical. From Enterprise this has been the case for a long time, but certainly in the mid-market and SMEs this is being realized more and more, because application dependency is becoming increasingly important.”
Bas adds, “Technology actually hooks into that. If you look at what Zerto has been working on in recent years, it's making the RTO faster and the scale on which that happens even bigger. The previous version, the 1.0 release, achieved 8 to 10 times more performance improvement for vCloud. In the next update for Azure, we are focusing entirely on Azure's scale-out technology. So using scale sets, work your VMs, queues and things like that to get much larger workloads into Azure. Where we used to do 20 VMs, today we do 500 at a time.” An enthusiastic Larik-Jan: “That's pretty cool. That obviously gives us as Fundaments the ability to bring everything everywhere.”
What else we saw on day 3
Bekijk hieronder wat Larik-Jan nog meer heeft gezien en gehoord tijdens dag 3 van VMworld 2019.