Especially the latter should not be underestimated. Your customers expect the Cloud to be optimally secured and that you, as an organisation, take all necessary measures for this. But how can you guarantee 100% protection for your customers? On March 17, SecurityHive, in collaboration with Fundaments, is organising a webinar on this topic, specifically aimed at IT service providers and the Cloud. If you want to proactively secure your Cloud, sign up here.
Webinar Cloud & Cybersecurity by Fundaments and SecurityHive
Cyber incidents are increasingly striking organisations. Nearly every day you hear in the news all about DDoS attacks, active hacker groups and security breaches. And no, this is not only happening at the big international corporations, but also at small local organisations. This raises the question for more and more people: ‘how do I make sure this does not happen to my organisation and my customers?’
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