BUZZ-talk with Amith Nair from Cohesity
During the Fundaments BUZZ Talks, Larik-Jan Verschuren (CTO) goes on the road with IT and Cloud experts in Fundaments' Cloud BUZZ. In conversation together, they discuss all kinds of current IT- and Cloud-related topics.
In conversation with Amith Nair
With Cohesity's Senior Vice President and General Manager, Amith Nair, as a guest in the Cloud BUZZ, Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments, takes us on the road to VMware Explore in Barcelona. They discuss the importance of AI, machine learning and data management in the modern business environment. Cohesity's products already integrate machine learning and AI, especially to help businesses manage and leverage their secondary data. The conversation also includes the growing need for data regulation and compliance, especially in Europe.
Our speakers

Cohesity and AI
The BUZZ talk with Amith Nair from Cohesity and Larik-Jan Verschuren from Fundaments will be an interesting one for anyone wishing to learn more about the role of AI, data management and data regulation in the Cloud.
Speaking on their way to VMware Explore in Barcelona, they highlight the importance of AI in today's technology and how Cohesity deploys AI for anomaly detection and secondary data management. They also discuss the growing importance of data management and increasing data regulation in Europe and globally.
After watching this film, you will have a better understanding of how AI is applied in data analytics, the importance of effective data management and the need for regulatory compliance in an increasingly globalised digital environment.
The importance of effective data management
The BUZZ talk with Amith Nair from Cohesity and Larik-Jan Verschuren from Fundaments offers valuable insight into the role of AI, data management and data regulation in the Cloud. The discussion highlights the importance of effective data management and regulatory compliance in an increasingly complex digital world.