BUZZ-talk with Erik de Geus and Robert van Schayk from VMware

During the Fundaments BUZZ Talks, Larik-Jan Verschuren (CTO) goes on the road with IT and Cloud experts in Fundaments' Cloud BUZZ. In conversation together, they discuss all kinds of current IT- and Cloud-related topics.

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Iris Nicolaas
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In conversation with Erik de Geus and Robert van Schayk

During VMware Explore 2023, Erik de Geus and Robert van Schayk discuss their expectations for the show in the Cloud-BUZZ. Erik, General Manager & Senior Director Benelux at VMware, is looking forward to seeing all Benelux customers and partners again. Robert, Director Enterprise Public Sector, highlights the growing interest in data residency, especially in relation to AI. Both recognise the increasing concern about data security.

Our speakers

Erik de Geus
Erik de Geus
General Manager & Senior Director Benelux at VMware
Robert van Schayk
Robert van Schayk
Director Enterprise Public Sector
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Chief Techonology Officer (CTO)

The future of AI and data security

Curious about the future of AI and data security? During this BUZZ-talk, Erik de Geus and Robert van Schayk share their insights and expectations. This makes this BUZZ-talk interesting for IT professionals, especially those involved in AI and data security.

Erik de Geus, General Manager & Senior Director Benelux at VMware, talks about his expectations of the show. He expects the focus to be on AI and related data issues. Robert van Schayk, Director Enterprise Public Sector, explains the growing focus on data residency, especially in relation to AI.

The talk highlights the growing concern about the location of data, leading to a growing interest in data residency. Finally, Erik and Robert advise organisations to keep innovating, but in a safe way.  

Keep innovating in a safe way

The importance of AI, data residency and secure innovation takes centre stage at VMware Explore 2023. Erik de Geus and Robert van Schayk emphasise the importance of a secure environment for data, especially with the rise of AI. The need for control over data is greater than ever, and ensuring data residency is increasingly relevant. Their advice is to keep innovating, but to do so in a secure way to avoid organisations ending up in a ‘one way street’. VMware Explore 2023 will make a crucial contribution to understanding these important aspects within the IT sector.

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