BUZZ-talk with Witold Kepinski from Dutch IT Channel

During the Fundaments BUZZ Talks, Larik-Jan Verschuren (CTO) goes on the road with IT and Cloud experts in Fundaments' Cloud BUZZ. In conversation together, they discuss all kinds of current IT- and Cloud-related topics.

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Iris Nicolaas
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In conversation with Witold Kepinski

During VMware Explore, Witold Kepinski, Founder & Director Content at Dutch IT Channel, will be a guest in the Cloud BUZZ with Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments. Witold shares his experiences from Gartner, where AI was central. He emphasises the importance of the CIO's leadership role in AI strategies, as well as the involvement of other stakeholders. He also discusses the importance of good infrastructure and data storage, especially in a sovereign Cloud.

Our speakers

Witold Kepinski
Witold Kepinski
Founder & Director Content at Dutch IT Channel
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Chief Techonology Officer (CTO)

VMware Explore 2023 and AI

This BUZZ talk is for the interest of IT leaders, CIOs and managers who want to know more about the role of AI and sovereign Cloud in IT strategy.  

In this BUZZ-talk, Witold Kepinski discusses the emphasis on AI during VMware Explore. He also highlights the leading role of CIOs in developing AI solutions and mentions the importance of data security in AI strategies. He explains that solid infrastructure and reliable data storage are crucial for AI deployments, and suggests the sovereign Cloud as an ideal solution, especially for storing data in the Netherlands.  

After watching this BUZZ talk, you will have gained a better understanding of the role of AI and sovereign Cloud in an IT strategy and the importance of good infrastructure and data storage.

The role of a sovereign Cloud

The BUZZ talk with Witold Kepinski and Larik-Jan Verschuren offers valuable insights for IT leaders and managers regarding the role of AI and sovereign Cloud in an IT strategy. It highlights the importance of the CIO's leadership role in AI strategies and the involvement of other stakeholders. It also discusses the importance of good infrastructure and data storage, especially in a sovereign Cloud.

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