Sovereign Cloud
Fundaments was the first in the Netherlands to achieve VMware Sovereign Cloud status. We would like to explain exactly what this means and what this means for our Fundaments Cloud.
What is a Sovereign Cloud?
A sovereign Cloud is a Cloud where the data is 100% independently controlled, managed and monitored, is on Dutch soil and complies with Dutch laws and regulations on privacy and data storage.
VMware Sovereign Cloud
The Fundaments IaaS platform uses as many standard building blocks as possible that offer maximum flexibility and continuity. In doing so, we use top technology from first-class suppliers. Our data centers have the highest possible status and are spread across the East, Central and Western Netherlands. This ensures that all aspects of security, such as emergency power supply, cooling and fire and physical protection, meet the most stringent requirements. The result is 99.95% availability. Of course, our performance is fully transparent and transparent via reports. Thanks to increasingly stringent laws and regulations and the growth in, among other things, cyber attacks and the importance of data protection and management, more and more organizations are looking for a sovereign Cloud provider. That's why VMware started the VMware Sovereign Cloud Initiative, a collection of global cloud providers that provide VMware Cloud Verified services and use an architecture built on VMware Validated Designs. Cloud providers must demonstrate that they comply with a framework of principles, best practices, and technical architecture requirements to provide Cloud services that meet the data sovereignty requirements of the jurisdiction in which the Cloud operates.
With the VMware Sovereign Cloud status, we show that Fundaments takes the sovereignty of the Cloud to a higher level. This means that we are committed to ensuring data privacy and compliance, while taking national laws and regulations into account, and also protecting all data in the Cloud against increasing digital threats.

The sovereign cloud of Fundaments
With our sovereign Fundaments Cloud, we offer our partners the most secure and reliable Cloud foundation. Looking at the Fundaments Cloud, we can operate it independently and we have everything from A to Z. in control: from people to process and technology. This starts with how we set up a data center, to how we ensure the continuity of organizations with the choices for hardware, software and their layout. In addition, we ensure that we take daily management to the highest level with our knowledgeable colleagues, so how the Cloud is consumed must be clear throughout the chain, and we are extremely critical of this. Continuity is the key word here: business-critical applications must always be able to run without interruptions. For example, our data centers are geographically separated and we only use Dutch data centers. In addition, as an organization and our data centers, we comply with the appropriate certifications with regard to information security and continuity.

The sovereign Cloud for ISV and MSP services
As a Managed Service Provider and Independent Software Vendor, you want to offer customers the most reliable service. This is possible with our sovereign cloud. This way, you comply with all laws and regulations that guarantee maximum data protection. With the VMware Sovereign Cloud, we offer partners in MSP and ISV services the opportunity to take service to the next level. Sovereign data, technical optimization and cyber threat resistance. And all of this on Dutch soil. In addition, the sovereign cloud adds value to, among others, the following services:
- Infrastructure as a Service
- Cloud Connectivity as a Service
- Firewall as a Service
- Storage as a Service
- Backup as a Service
- Disaster Recovery as a Service
- Container Platform as a Service
- Platform as a Service
- Security as a Service
The benefits of the Fundaments sovereign Cloud
The Fundaments sovereign Cloud protects critical data from cyber attacks and outside access
Data is on Dutch soil and is fully managed throughout the chain: from data location, hardware to every management and security process
Compliance with changing local regulations