Cloud: the journey that calls for a tour guide

In the first blog article of this blog series, we dwelled on the VMware Migration Plan, which was set up to ease the transition following Broadcom's acquisition of VMware. In the second article, Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments, explained, the underlying Broadcom strategy: a strategy of simplification on one side, but also one of offering added value from a complete available product package: VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF).

From our Office of the CTO, we focus on innovations we can launch for our customers in the changing world of IT. This year, for example, sustainability, adoption of Artificial Intelligence and the transformation to Platform as a Service with K8s are among the items on the agenda. In this blog article, Larik-Jan reflects on these developments in terms of what he sees happening in the market.

Written by
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Iris Nicolaas
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Written by
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Iris Nicolaas
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For years, Cloud has been trendy, but the term ‘Cloud’ is now also practically plastered on everything online, with the consequence that talking about Cloud strategy has become a conversation that first requires finding out which Cloud definition applies. I notice in conversations that when zooming in on needs further, Cloud is mainly a commercial model with pay by use. It is increasingly about the application and the data that resides there. The Cloud strategy talks I have are consistently focused on concerns regarding data and its availability. And Cloud? That answer is clear: Multi Cloud is also the default answer we end up with in that. The dominance of Microsoft 365 in corporate office environments is the common thread therein: this Public Cloud service is already a tick on one of the Multi Cloud components. But what about that application?

From our history of existence, coming from the web hosting we started with in 2000, we have built up enormous knowledge on all the necessities for being able to host an online application. In 2000, that was a simple website, now it has become a complete application with databases and a huge number of users that change in frequency. This is where we see interesting developments: besides the platform moving increasingly towards a microservice like K8s, this target group is asking for more help using that platform, which is really about application development for the user.

This therefore requires Fundaments to make a change in its proposition from merely offering a platform, to also collaborate much closer with the application and make the platform compatible. This means thinking from the application rather than the platform. And that is precisely what we are betting on: we go on a journey with the developer, take a critical look at the components and choose the right ones. If there are easily segmentable components in that application, then K8s is a good contender. But again, there is a hybrid world of, firstly, a heavy database running in a separate (virtual) server, but linked to a microservices-oriented platform with K8s.

From the application, the journey starts with designing, deploying and providing 24/7 monitoring of the right Cloud platform: in doing so, we facilitate the journey from application to Cloud platform and ensure that we become our customers' tour guide in the world of rapidly changing Cloud technologies.

Want to know more? Our Cloud Experts will be happy to help you. You can reach them directly by calling 088 4227 227 or email

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