Fundaments' VMware Migration Plan: a strategic choice

In early May, Fundaments launched the VMware Migration Plan This plan offers existing VMware users guidance on how to navigate the changes announced by Broadcom. In this blog entry, Larik-Jan Verschuren, CTO at Fundaments, reflects on the question of how this fits into determining the right Cloud strategy for your organisation.

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Larik-Jan Verschuren
Iris Nicolaas
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Written by
Larik-Jan Verschuren
Iris Nicolaas
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With the acquisition of VMware, Broadcom has developed a clear strategy in terms of market approach, product (development) and the use of Cloud. Central to this has been simplification: on one side in the number of products (for Cloud, there is now only one: VMware Cloud Foundation) and also in a new commercial format: subscription.

This latter change has had a very significant impact on the market: a large part of the market uses so-called perpetual licences with support packages attached. These users are now faced with a new investment in a monthly model. This has caused a reconsideration: VMware by Broadcom as a vendor has come up for discussion and technical alternatives are being considered.

This change has been a huge driver for parties to review their technology stack, but thus also their Cloud strategy. This may well have been a strategy by Broadcom to position VMware and actually VMware Cloud Foundation right next to the other Clouds: public hyperscalers like AWS, Azure, Oracle and Google Cloud.


So, from a cost perspective, the current solution being used is examined. Whether this is a local (on premises) infrastructure or a data centre hosted environment; the renewed investment causes a consideration of the deployment of that infrastructure. Does it still make sense to manage a smaller environment yourself? Or does it reward replacing the hardware another cycle? And is this actually still what employees in the organisation should be doing? Just some questions that drive the strategy issue in this.

And we see at Fundaments that the threshold to switch to an alternative has been lowered by Broadcom's move. But let's face it, it's not just VMware products that come up in this. Public Cloud and other technology platforms are also receiving market share.

The advantage of this development is that, on one side, the strategy is being reassessed (‘We've always done it this way, so we'll continue with that’ is no longer an option) and with it, the question of where data - the thing it's all about - should actually land is being looked at. Issues such as how to ensure security and continuity are also important in this regard. In all the cases I have seen, you see improvement in the solution for safeguarding data in the application landscape, so that is a great development.


Fundaments can contribute in this reassessment of strategy. Especially in reasoning from the data, we see that strategy always ends up on Multi Cloud. By going on a journey with us now and determining your strategy, we can ensure for your organisation that the Cloud question is handled properly: hybrid (within your organisation location and in a private Cloud in a data centre) combined with public Cloud. As long as data lands in the right place and is always available to the user.

So, by opting for the VMware Migration Plan, you too can access not only price protection on VMware products but also take your strategy when it comes to Cloud to the next, strategic level.

Want to know more? Our Cloud Experts will be happy to help. You can reach them directly by calling 088 4227 227 or emailing

Part two of this blog series by Larik-Jan will be published next week: ‘Broadcom's strategy: the Swiss army knife called VMware Cloud Foundation’.

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