Fundaments supports the youth of Enschede thanks to generous donation to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur

Fundaments donates €2000 to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur so children from the region can develop their talents.

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Iris Nicolaas
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Fundaments supports the youth of Enschede thanks to generous donation to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur

Where we normally end the year by visiting and thanking our customers through corporate gifts, this year a corona-proof solution had to be found. We decided to donate the amount we normally spend on corporate gifts to donate to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Enschede.

Raoul Werger, CEO at Fundaments: ‘’The Fundaments slogan is ‘GO BEYOND. BE THE BEST' and what charity fits this better than Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Enschede? In part thanks to our donation, they can help children from the region to be the best they can be in 2021 by providing them with the right resources. Unfortunately, not all children can take sports, music or drawing lessons as a matter of course. Something that is very important for talent development and something we are happy to contribute to.’

Foundation Leergeld Enschede (the foundation to which Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Enschede belongs) wants to prevent children (4-17 years) in the city of Enschede from being unable to participate in inner and extracurricular activities due to lack of money. They work together with various organisations and institutions in Enschede to reach as many families as possible. For children from families with little money, they pay the contribution/tuition fees and, in some cases, the necessary equipment. So they can still go to, for instance, football training, guitar lessons or swimming lessons.

Jorrit van der Linden, coordinator Stichting Leergeld Enschede: ‘We are currently helping 3,000 unique children a year and with the donation from Fundaments, a donation of no less than € 2,000, we can increase this number further. We are extremely happy about this! Especially in this corona era, the differences between underprivileged and privileged families become extra visible and tangible. Because schools are putting extra effort into digital education, it becomes painfully clear that a number of students are unable to participate fully because they do not have a computer, for instance. Here, too, we help children ‘to be able to and continue to participate’. Fundaments, thank you!’

‍Due to the tightened corona measures, the one-metre-long cheque could unfortunately not be handed over personally to Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Enschede. As soon as this is possible again, it will of course still be handed over personally.

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