Hooray! Fundaments celebrates its 20th anniversary!

Already 20 years ago, on April 6, 2000, Fundaments was born.

Geschreven door
Iris Nicolaas
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Hooray! Fundaments celebrates its 20th anniversary!

Now, 20 years later, Fundaments has grown into an established name in the Cloud industry. Raoul and Jeroen, the founders of Fundaments, like to glimpse back at some memorable moments and look ahead to the years to come.’

Jeroen: ‘A lot has happened in 20 years, of course... Where we started with a carpool site called JR Online, we are now called Fundaments, have more than 40 employees and are an established name in the world of Cloud. One of the most memorable moments for me was when Larik-Jan went to one of our data centres in Amsterdam to clean out 1 of a customer's 2 physical servers (really a long time ago, in fact...) and reinstall software. Larik-Jan accidentally took care of the wrong server and while he was doing that, the customer called up in panic that he had passed on the wrong server to us. So that was how the right server was formatted after all... a stroke of luck!
”‘For me,’ Raoul says, ’not one particular moment stands out, but one word: together. It is a continuous sequence of moments that have made the past 20 years very special. A relocation, a new colleague, rebranding, a fun Friday afternoon drink or a team event. Again and again moments that make you realise how lucky we are to have such great (former) colleagues. OK, there was one moment that I would like to look back on: I was in a sailing boat with Jeroen, in the middle of a lake, and we capsized... that moment was legendary. Since then, Jeroen hasn't wanted to sail with me.’

When we ask Raoul and Jeroen what they are most proud of, Raoul replies, ‘that we keep challenging each other to become better, more innovative and future-proof. There has never been a moment when we thought we were there, because it is constantly adjusting and setting a new course. In addition, I am very proud that we have been able to build a solid and reliable business, which we work on with almost 45 colleagues. Jeroen replies to this question, ‘that despite not living up to our initial idea (a carpool site), we have set up a business that now employs more than 40 people. Come to think of it... it might be nice to launch the carpool site again. ‘Raoul and Jeroen also like to look ahead to the coming years. Raoul: ‘We firmly believe in our new strategy: Fundaments, Expert in Clouds! This means we will further expand Fundaments in terms of both knowledge and expertise, and develop new business together with our partners/customers. Jeroen: ‘In the coming years, I hope to further perfect Fundaments’ service and attract partners who can integrate the service into their own products.’

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